Slavic myths 1.
Chernobog. (A. Fantalov, the image in Indian ink).
In specific development stage the Slavs borrowed in Persians dualistic system. Good, creative source was symbolized by Belobog ('White god'); evil, destructive one - Chernobog ('Black god'), surrounded by souls of dead persons. In this image of Chernobog it has common features with Veles, god of hunting and the other world.
Vey. (A. Fantalov, the image in Indian ink).
Vey, apparently, originally was the judge of a next world, "ruling over the underworlds where among the boiling sea it is malicious stood his throne" (G.A. Glinka). Killing sight of Vey was latent by huge eyelids which were lifted by his assistants. Blindness - characteristic feature of inhabitants of a next world (for example, Woman Jaga) which are not capable to see the alive person and require for this purpose the special shaman (like Balar in Irish myths).
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